Formica Brand TFL 5887 Millennium Oak P/B Core
Extensive design possibilities are available at your fingertips with Formica® Brand TFL manufactured with high-quality ARAUCO particleboard and MDF substrates.
The Millennium Oak (Formica 5887) face gives this panel an authentic wood look. The particleboard core is made from wood fiber sourced from certified, recycled, recovered, and/or controlled sources.
ARAUCO partners directly with Formica to fulfill its TFL program, delivering a world class finished panel that is ready for fabrication. Whether its destined for hospitality, healthcare, retail or residential applications, Formica® TFL by Arauco is a great choice for your decorative surfacing needs.
Complies with TSCA Title VI/CARB-2 and meets relevant green building standards including LEED, Green Globes, IgCC, and the CALGreen Code.