Pattern Stock Footage Calculator

Pattern Stock Footage Calculator

This simple tool allows you to convert square footage to board feet and lineal feet. To get started, choose the profile you're working with and enter the square footage needed.

Please note that this form is for estimating purposes only. The user is responsible for all measurements, verifying these estimates, and any use, substitution, or modification of the quantities provided. Amerhart assumes no liability or responsibility for this estimate or any purchase resulting from the information provided.

Profile type
What is the square footage?
What is the board thickness?
What is the board width?
What is the price per thousand feet?


Board Feet Needed

Lineal Feet Needed

Price per Square Foot

 1 board foot = 1 square foot, 1 inch thick
A more detailed version of the calculator is available as an Excel download.

Eleven Locations with a Broad Distribution Footprint

Amerhart is known for providing quality materials. But even more impressive than the products are the hardworking people at each of our branches. Every decision we make is driven by what's best for our customers. It is this guiding principle – the success of our customers – that makes all Amerhart locations run smoothly.


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