Terril 2297 HPL Lay-Up Panel PB Core
In addition to producing custom laminated panels with your choice of face, back and core, Amerhart offers a selection of stock high pressure laminate (HPL) lay-up panels in popular combinations. This panel is composed of Formica Terril 2297 HPL and an Arauco Ultra PB particleboard core.
The Terril 2297 face and back feature Formica's Matte finish, which imparts a warm, pleasing effect that enhances the beauty of color and produces a greater clarity and depth. The vertical grade HPL is 0.027 in thick.
Manufactured predominantly with softwood, the Arauco Ultra PB particleboard core is a high performance panel with exceptional smoothness. Ultra panels are ECCâ„¢ certified for emissions and may contribute to LEED point eligibility.
Use this G2S (good two sides) panel for applications where both the face and back may be exposed.